Desexing Box Hill
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You might be aware of animals reproducing in doubles and triples; which results in the growing population of animals. These animals are a result of unplanned breeding, which we can prevent by desexing. Pet desexing is a process where a qualified veterinarian box hill performs the surgical procedure of removing an animal’s sexual organs. This is also known as castration (for males) and spaying (for females) which ultimately stops them for breeding.

What is the need of Desexing your pets?

Desexing box hill reduces unwanted breeding of animals which later becomes a problem as there are not always enough homes for all animals. Other than that, research suggests results in favour of desexing, because it increases the chances of a long and heathier life for your pet.

Benefits of Desexing Your Pet:

There are numerous advantages for you and your pet once you have desexed your pet.

  • The number one benefit is that it reduces the risk of urinary tract cancer and mammary cancer in pets and saves them from false pregnancies as well.
  • It saves you from the hormonal changes in pets which can be very distressing for you. For instance, cat calling at night, crying, yowling, and even bleeding from the vulva of female cats in the heat season can be very stressful.
  • Desexing eliminates the risk of your pet to become pregnant and give birth. Birth is a tiring and painful process, it leaves the pet low on calcium, weakens the muscles and may even cause seizures. It might also result in loss of foetus which may remain in the pet and cause infection.
  • Desexed animals lose interest in roaming around (which they usually do to find a potential partner for reproduction). Since they are desexed, they stop roaming around, getting into fights, or are much safer when it comes to the risk of being involved in an accident.
  • Desexed animals portray a better behaviour than regular pets because they do not experience hormonal side effects causing them to become aggressive or hit other animals in the neighbourhood.
  • Desexing your pets at a vet mitcham makes it a lot easier for you to handle your pets as well. They do not show any tiresome or aggressive behaviour which might become difficult for you to handle. Which is why, desexing does not only benefit the pets, it benefits you as well.
  • Another benefit which counts in your favour is, that desexing causes to reduce the litter responsibility. Of course, without the organs, the pets are not likely to urinate or release waste a lot, so it will be more convenient for you.


Local pet desexing in box hill for your pets might seem like a negative thing, but when it comes to keeping pets around your house, a lot of factors are to be considered. Pets who are desexed prove to be happier, more friendly, less troublesome, and more trained. The desexing process not only gives your pet a healthier life, but it also provides you with less troubles and more comfort of keeping pets at home.

Desexing Box Hill